Day 39: What is ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager)

Day 39: What is ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager)



3 min read

๐Ÿš€ Introduction

In previous blog we have seen that how to host webiste & routing methods in this blog we will see how to add SSL certificate to website.

We'll follow the steps provided below

  1. Create VPC

  2. Create 2 subnet

  3. Create internet gateway & attach to VPC

  4. Create route table

    • Edit subnet association

    • Select both subnet & save save changes

    • Edit route -> add route -> -> internet gateway -> save changes

  5. Launch EC2 instance

    • Select VPC that we have created

    • Add security group -> http -> anywhere

    • Write this script in user data under advanced details

         yes | sudo apt update 
         yes | sudo apt install nginx
         echo "<h1>Server details</h1>
         <p><strong>Hostname:</strong> $(hostname)</p>
         <p><strong>IP Address: </strong>$(hostname -I | cut -d" " -f1)</p>" > /var/www/html/index.html
         sudo systemctl restart nginx
  6. Create target group -> Select instance -> create target group

  7. Create load balancer

    • Select application load balancer

    • Select both subnet

    • Create security group

    • Add inbound rule -> http & ssh (anywhere IPv4)

    • Create Security Group

  8. By domain from website like godaddy, google domain, hostinger or you can also buy domain in route53

  9. After buying domain name now go in route53 -> hosted zone (create hosted zone) -> click on your (your domain name) & then create record -> select simple routing -> define simple record

    • Choose endpoint (Alias to application & classic load balancer) -> choose region -> choose load balancer -> Create record
  10. Generate Certificate

    • Go in AWS console & type certificate manager

    • Request certificate -> Request a public certificate -> select DNS validation -> Select RSA 2048 -> click on request

    • Click on certificate ID -> Click on Create record in route 53 -> Create record

  11. Now go to the load balancer again & click on load balancer that you have created -> Add listener HTTPS in listeners & rules

    • HTTPS

    • Forward to target group

    • Select target group

    • From ACM

    • Select a certificate -> (your domain name) ->

  12. And there is default listener HTTP:80, click on that HTTP:80 & click on default after that click on action & click on edit (edit rule like given below)

    • HTTP

    • Redirect to URL

    • HTTPS -> 443

    • Save changes

  13. Now edit security (beside listeners & rules) there is two security group one is default and another one which we have created, click on that security group & edit inbound rule

    • Add rule

    • HTTPS (anywhere IPv4) -> Save rules

Access website using www

In Case, if you're using other domain like example then there is again a different name so you need to request a certificate for that particular domain name as well so you need to create a new certificate & there you need to enter the root name as & request a new certificate for that particular domain as well & then push those record into again to over route53 & then after that you will be able to access the URL using

In the next blog, we'll see how to attach an SSL certificate using Certbot

Thanks for reading to the end; I hope you gained some knowledge.โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™Œ



